What does worship look like at Providence Christian Church?
Our scheduled time of worship is 10:30 am each Sunday morning. Our form of worship includes elements of preparation, a call to worship, a congregational confession of sin, prayer, public offering to God, the sermon, the Lord’s Supper (also called Communion), response, and benediction.
What should I wear to worship?
At Providence you will find people who dress more formally—especially those involved in leading the worship service—but this is not required. We do not believe it is appropriate to set a dress code, and many in our congregation prefer to dress casually. We only ask that your choice of clothing not be a distraction to others who are gathered to give their attention to the praise of God and the hearing of His word preached.
Do you provide child care?
Yes, we have a fully-staffed infant nursery and toddler room for children through age 3. Child care is provided throughout Sunday School (9:15-10:15 am) and the Worship Service (10:30 am-12:00 noon). It is located in our Fellowship Hall, which is the building across the driveway that lies on the east side of our Church Sanctuary.
What about the older kids?
Providence encourages family worship. We invite the children (2-year-olds through elementary) to lead us in the Doxology each Sunday (children may come to the front pew during the offertory). After the Doxology, 4-6 year-olds are free to join the Little Worship leaders in the foyer, escorted by an adult. Teachers will lead the children to the Education Wing for class (west of the sanctuary). Children are also welcome to remain in the sanctuary for the entire worship service.
Do I have to give money?
Placing a contribution in the offering plate as it is passed around is an act of worship that is primarily for those who attend regularly. If you are a first-time visitor we do not ask you to contribute, but we do ask that you fill out one of the yellow visitor cards we furnish in each pew and drop it in the offering plate as it goes by. Our pastor will use the information you provide to personally follow up with you later in the week. We also invite you to receive a first-time visitors gift at the counter in our lobby before you leave.
Can I take communion?
We normally share in the Lord’s Supper—also called Communion—every Sunday, after the preaching of God’s word. At that time, after the pastor prepares the congregation, believers are invited to come forward to receive the bread and the cup. (Note: we serve gluten-free bread for those with gluten intolerance.)
Participation in Communion is for believers who are seeking to live a life that pleases God, and who are old enough to examine their consciences. But presence at the Lord’s Supper is open to everyone, and on behalf of Christ we invite you to be there.
Every one who professes faith in the Christ of the Bible alone for salvation, and who does not count on his or her good deeds to save them, and who also makes pleasing God his or her life’s goal, is welcome to participate. We all continue to sin in this life, so perfection is not required. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,” (1 John 1:9, English Standard Version).
If you have not yet trusted Christ to save you from your sins, or if you are deliberately living a life that you know displeases Him, we do not ask that you leave when Communion begins. Nor do we ask that you avoid worshiping with us on those Sundays. While we must ask you not to participate in the eating of the bread and the drinking of the cup, we welcome you to remain in the worship service because this time can and should be meaningful for you, as well. We invite you to stay, listen, observe, and pray as others partake of the Lord’s Supper, and we request that you seek the Lord and ask Him to open your heart and mind to show you the true need of your soul and to assure you of His provision of His Son for you.
If you still have questions, feel free to speak with our pastor, or any of our elders, who will be more than happy to help you.